Thursday, January 20, 2011

So I was told the other day that a blog spot is really a ME spot and so I needed to spend more time really letting people know who I am. I just wanted my blog spot to be about all the cool things I DO not the not so cool person I am. But, by the lack of cool things posted I am left with either giving up on the blog or just blogging about my real day to day life that seems long and boring to read about and would have a lot of ME, ME, ME in it. I'm not so sure I'm even comfortable with that idea, but since I don't want to give up I guess I'll have to try it. So forgive me from the start and know that I am who I am for better or worse. Thanks for letting me be me.

So to get started I guess I can say that I just finished my final exam for my Wildlife Management class. It was amazing! I loved this class so much. It reminded me every day why I have always wanted to be a wildlife manager. I'm pretty sure I aced the test and the class, but I will have to let you know.

The roads are supper slick so I'm just killing time waiting for them to thaw a little. It took me almost 40 minutes to get to school this morning. A trip that usually takes 15 minutes. I left the kids at home so they have a free day. The weather is supposed to turn bad again and I just don't want to have to deal with it over and over again. I almost had to take the ditch yesterday because a semi was slowing down and his back end was sliding into my lane. I just don't feel the need to relive that again -- or anything close to it.

I started my tomato plants already -72 of them; 12 slicing, 12 cherry, 12 duel purpose, and 36 for canning. They are doing good. I am so excited. I hope this year I have a bumper crop. That's the plan anyway. I will have an upper hand this year though, because I have an internship this year with an organic farmer. Every bit of things I learn from him I will apply right back to my own farm. I am soooooooo happy. It will be A LOT of work and a lot of double duty but it will be totally worth it.

Well, I guess that's it for right now. Till next time.

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