Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mosquito Danger

The Mosquito danger is back with us and in full force. We have got early mosquitoes that are large and aggressive. The moment they bite you you know it and you feel it for a while after. We all know about the diseases that mosquitoes carry. West Nile seems to be the most concerning one at the moment. Each years the spread seems farther and farther around the country.

It is very important that we take extra precautions around our homesteads not to encourage the growth and spread of mosquitoes by giving them an environment ideal to their multiplication. Standing water and then tall grasses are the two things that mosquitoes love the most. And don't you know, I have an abundance of both on my property. I walked around on Saturday dumping out and turning over everything I could find that was holding water. I got bit several times in the process. I have a couple of welts on my legs that I didn't appreciate getting. But, then again, I didn't take any precautions to prevent myself from getting bitten, so it is my own fault.

One of the safest ways to get rid of mosquitoes is by placing a sauces of water with a couple of drops of Dawn dish soap in areas that mosquitoes frequent, or around the yard when you are having an outdoor activity. The mosquitoes are attracted to it, drink it, and die. But kids and pets don't if they get into it. Try it. It works. Just a thought.

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