Monday, June 13, 2011

My Garden Variety 2011

So I am done with the planting of this summer's garden. Now it's just time to tend and harvest. YIPEE!!! I will plant a fall garden as well and I've been gathering hints on how to have a successful fall garden and how to harvest earlier in the spring. That will be another post. Right now, I feel the need to list everything that I planted at this time. In my garden right now is:

  1. Kale - the rabbits love it
  2. Cabbage - green and purple - another rabbit favorite
  3. Lettuce
  4. Onions
  5. Broccoli
  6. Brussels Sprouts
  7. Potatoes
  8. Bell Peppers - red and green
  9. Egg Plant
  10. Okra
  11. Cucumber - Straight 8 and National Pickling
  12. Snow Peas
  13. Beans - Yellow Wax Bush Bean, Stringless Green Bean, Tendergreen Improved, and Harvester
  14. Pumpkin - Fairytale, Amish Pie, Mega Pumpkin
  15. Squash - Zucchini, Butternut, Acorn, Crookneck
  16. Watermelon - Sugar Baby
  17. Cantaloupe
  18. Strawberries - Junebearing, Everbearing
  19. Spinach
  20. Tomatoes - Big Boy, Early Girl, Big Cherry, Slicing, Lemon Boy, Yellow Pear



Brussels Sprouts


These pictures are from last week so everything is a little bigger. We've been in a drought so keeping up with water is hard. I've been trying to figure out a better way to water to no avail. This weekend we got a good rain. I am so happy. I sure hope Everything yields well. I am very excited about it all. We need this food. I can't wait to can what we don't eat fresh.

1 comment:

  1. Leonore, You are a hard worker. You really amaze me. Your garden is beautiful. You reap what you sow. Harvest will be good. Even the rabbits love you,lol
